Mastodon Digest
for the past

I found a race condition in my oven. If I turn the timer off and the heat off at precisely the same time the heat will go off and the timer will no longer be displayed. However, it will continue to beep.

I haven’t been as active on here as I wanted to be. I dont mean for it to be a place i log onto once every x weeks to dump a blog post, but alas here we are.

#Baseline got some new features this week! It can now track and show completion status for items installed by other services (like VPP, Munki, or your MDM).

I also cooked up a special treat for Jamf admins.

#macos #zerotouch #apple #foss #sonoma #swiftdialog #installomator #mosyle #jamf #addigy #intune

One of the hardest parts of being married is when the OH wakes you up in the middle of the night because she ‘heard something downstairs’ and is now convinced there’s someone in the house.

Spoiler alert: there never is!

#married_life #marriage

Good morning everyone 🌻 A bit grey and misty here today, although mild. The #parrots are finally munching breakfast after I managed to drop Ziggy's wet bowl while taking it out of the fridge and had to clean up the mess and start again. This of course resulted in indignant #parrot shouting (My poor, poor neighbours!) at their breakfast being late. Sometimes I feel as though I am running a hotel and my guests are very demanding 😂 Ziggy did forgive me with a brief cuddle before wanting to go back to her cage. #petsofmastodon #birdsofmastodon #BirdsOfFediverse #goodmorning

More custom #crochet work planned for today, along with a little more #Skyrim. I am really into playing it again and the Anniversary edition is throwing in a lot of pleasant surprises.

Don't forget to post pictures with the hashtag #cazimodocrochet if you'd like to enter the competition for a free crochet toy. The hashtag is to allow me to find all the posts later 😊

Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to 🤗

Good morning! ✨

@anca @Gargron @J12t @andypiper so great to meet you all

Morning world. Judging by the mist outside we’ve skipped summer and gone straight to autumn.

Why's it not Friday?

@mos_8502 @swelljoe I've found one good use for containers, which is running multiple versions (or forks) of the same app.

I normally use the current stable DOSBox Staging to run an old Psion SDK and my new CLI apps in Free Pascal. It's handy to have DOSBox Vanilla and the lastest beta/RC of Staging to test things in. Distrobox lets me do that - I use Alpine or Arch containers and install the bare minimum to get DOSBox running.

It's more lightweight and integrated with the host than a VM.

In case you were wondering, Fury still loves his polystyrene oblong


@artlung is hosting a Front End Study Hall next Thursday.

This meetup is a great opportunity to learn practical HTML and CSS skills you can use in your projects.

See the event information and calendar invitation on the #indieweb events page:

#html #css

Oooh! Look what I found on Dad's desk!
I last used this 20+ years ago, for my studies, before I bought my first Dell laptop.

#CambridgeComputers #Z88 #Tech #RetroComputer


Rizzference is now out on the App Store!

It’s an app for looking up modern slang. What’s the niche? You can define an entire sentence at a time, not just individual words. Give it a go!

For the techies, it’s built 100% in SwiftUI. Feel free to ask any questions 😊

I’d like to thank all the testers and @chrismarquardt, @mattiem and @ctietze for their help and support.

#swiftUI #showcase #releases #ios #apple

My morning has been ruined by Timezones, yay.

We pass our railway station when I walk our dog Charlie in the morning. It's one of those typical small village platform affairs. We generally see six or seven people who leave the house far too late, running for the train, but the bit baffles me.

I often see people sipping Costa Coffee from a Costa paper cup. We don't have a Costa! Where the hell are they getting them from? Plus, 'The Town' is a good ten minutes away, and we only have a Greggs—and it's not the paper shop either!

he's now sitting in a sulk on the back of the sofa because I won't give him 3rd breakfast. Perfectly placed so every time I go to grab a snack he can look all "Oh! so it's fine for YOU to get extra food! Why not Fury?"

@andycarolan I will definitely buy the physical sticker versions!

@andycarolan I look forward to seeing what you make ✨


Tired: Closing issues with "won't fix"

Amazing work once again from Apple's team! I'm particularly stoked about Music Haptics where "the Taptic Engine in iPhone plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations to the audio of the music" - SO cool and important to bring music to everyone!

What the FUCK did I do?


Discover the dual benefits of the Sandalwood & Amber Beard and Face Oil on Etsy! Ideal for beard nourishment & as soothing aftershave oil, it boasts warm, woody notes with a hint of fresh spice for an invigorating scent.

#verdantgent #shophandmade #beardcare #aftershave #sandalwood #amber #mensgrooming

Damn, this is legit amazing.

Broadcast the 3DS to the PC to play it on a PC. Should be interesting for streamers, since soft-modding a 3DS is extremely easy these days.


Had so much fun #drawing and foiling this #portrait of Max the #pitbull ! One of my very first #commissions when I started this #hobby #business in the summer of 2021.

#dog #dog #DogsOfMastodon #FediArt #artwork #handmade #digitalArt #procreate

Remember folks: Telegram is a Nazi bar.

It isn't just that the far right uses Telegram. The far right runs telegram:

Don't sit at a Nazi bar.


For the last 4 years, the Tasmanian Museum of Old and New Art has been running an installation called The Ladies Lounge. Only people who identify as ladies are allowed to enter. In the lounge, they can sit in luxury and look at famous artworks by Picasso etc, which are not available elsewhere in the museum. They are served champagne and pampered by male butlers. It was meant as a comment on exclusionary men's clubs (which still exist in Australia and elsewhere).

Some dude got upset about it and sued the gallery for entry at the anti-discrimination tribunal. The artist, Kirsha Kaechele, said she was "absolutely delighted" that the exhibit had been taken to court. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.

She then turned the tribunal hearing into part of the art as well, by having a group of women observing the hearing dress like her and mimic her every move. They did not disrupt the hearing, and at the end of proceedings they exited the tribunal to the song Simply Irresistible.

Kaechele argued in her defence the Ladies Lounge was “a response to the lived experience of women forbidden from entering certain spaces throughout history” and promoted equal opportunity.

The tribunal found against the gallery and is ordering them to allow men to enter the exhibit. MONA is removing the exhibit instead.

Fucking love this artist 😂

#MONA #art #kirshakachele #sexism #discrimination #performanceart #australia

attention seeking! attention seeking!


Hey, look, #Google did it to me too.

They didn't lock up my entire drive, but they're blocking access to my manuscript. Won't even allow me to download it. #AmWriting #AmWritingErotica


The C64 office sound system is in full swing! #C64 #SID

Elevate your beard care with this premium Beard Balm! Infused with natural ingredients, it leaves your beard soft and nourished while eliminating itchiness. Experience a healthier, fuller beard with its rich Sandalwood & Amber scent offering warm, woody notes and a dash of fresh spice.

#verdantgent #shophandmade #beardcare #sandalwood #amber #grooming #naturalproducts